Module org.testfx

Class TableViewMatchers

  • public class TableViewMatchers
    extends Object
    TestFX matchers for TableView controls.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static org.hamcrest.Matcher<javafx.scene.control.TableView> containsRow​(Object... cells)
      Creates a matcher that matches all TableViews that have at least one row that contains the given values for each column of a TableView.
      static org.hamcrest.Matcher<javafx.scene.control.TableView> containsRowAtIndex​(int rowIndex, Object... cells)
      Creates a matcher that matches all TableViews that have a row at the given index that contains the given values for each column of a TableView.
      static org.hamcrest.Matcher<javafx.scene.control.TableView> hasItems​(int rows)
      static org.hamcrest.Matcher<javafx.scene.control.TableView> hasNumRows​(int rows)
      Creates a matcher that matches all TableViews that have exactly amount rows.
      static org.hamcrest.Matcher<javafx.scene.control.TableView> hasTableCell​(Object value)
      Creates a matcher that matches all TableViews that has a TableCell whose value or value.toString() equals the given value.
    • Method Detail

      • hasTableCell

        public static org.hamcrest.Matcher<javafx.scene.control.TableView> hasTableCell​(Object value)
        Creates a matcher that matches all TableViews that has a TableCell whose value or value.toString() equals the given value.

        Test code must ensure that the cell is visible by scrolling it into the viewport before using the matcher:

         int row = ...
         int col = ...
         verifyThat(tableView, hasTableCell(contentOfCell);
      • hasItems

        public static org.hamcrest.Matcher<javafx.scene.control.TableView> hasItems​(int rows)
        Creates a matcher that matches all TableViews that have exactly amount items.
      • hasNumRows

        public static org.hamcrest.Matcher<javafx.scene.control.TableView> hasNumRows​(int rows)
        Creates a matcher that matches all TableViews that have exactly amount rows.
      • containsRowAtIndex

        public static org.hamcrest.Matcher<javafx.scene.control.TableView> containsRowAtIndex​(int rowIndex,
                                                                                              Object... cells)
        Creates a matcher that matches all TableViews that have a row at the given index that contains the given values for each column of a TableView.

        For example, given a TableView that has three columns:

         TableColumn<RegularPolygon, String> nameColumn = new TableColumn<>("Name");
         TableColumn<RegularPolygon, Integer> numSidesColumn = new TableColumn<>("Number of Sides");
         TableColumn<RegularPolygon, Double> unitAreaColumn = new TableColumn<>("Area when Side = 1");
         polygonsTable.getColumns().setAll(nameColumn, numSidesColumn, unitAreaColumn);
        Then to verify that such a TableView, contains, at index 3, a row for a RegularPolygon that has the name "Pentagon", the number of sides 5, and a unit area of 1.720477401 one would use:
         verifyThat("#polygonsTable", TableViewMatchers.containsRowAtIndex(3, "Pentagon", 5, 1.720477401);
        Where the types of each argument, after the row index, correspond to the types of the TableColumns which in our example is (String, Integer, Double).
        rowIndex - the row number (starting from 0) that must contains the given cell values
        cells - The values or String representations of the values (e.g. the result of calling toString()) contained in the row at a given index you want to verify a TableView contains - one such value for each column of that TableView. Use null if the value is expected to not be set or if no cell value factory has been set.
      • containsRow

        public static org.hamcrest.Matcher<javafx.scene.control.TableView> containsRow​(Object... cells)
        Creates a matcher that matches all TableViews that have at least one row that contains the given values for each column of a TableView.

        For example, given a TableView that has three columns:

         TableColumn<Person, String> nameColumn = new TableColumn<>("Name");
         TableColumn<Person, Double> bmiColumn = new TableColumn<>("Body Mass Index");
         TableColumn<Person, Boolean> membershipColumn = new TableColumn<>("Gym Membership Valid");
         fitnessTable.getColumns().setAll(nameColumn, bmiColumn, membershipColumn);
        Then to verify that such a TableView, contains at least one row with a Person that has the name "Dan Anderson", the body mass index 28.83, and a valid gym membership (true) one would use:
         verifyThat("#fitnessTable", TableViewMatchers.containsRow("Dan Anderson", 28.83, true);
        Where the types of each argument correspond to the types of the TableColumns which in our example is (String, Double, Boolean).
        cells - The values or String representations of the values (e.g. the result of calling toString()) contained in the row you want to verify a TableView contains - one such value for each column of that TableView. Use null if the value is expected to not be set or if no cell value factory has been set.