Module org.testfx

Interface TypeRobot

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface TypeRobot
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void push​(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode... combination)
      Pushes a given key combination.
      void push​(javafx.scene.input.KeyCodeCombination combination)
      Pushes a given key combination.
      void type​(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode... keyCodes)
      Types given keys one after the other.
      void type​(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode keyCode, int times)
      Types a given key multiple times.
    • Method Detail

      • push

        void push​(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode... combination)
        Pushes a given key combination.
        combination - the combination to push
      • push

        void push​(javafx.scene.input.KeyCodeCombination combination)
        Pushes a given key combination.
        combination - the combination to push
      • type

        void type​(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode... keyCodes)
        Types given keys one after the other.
        keyCodes - the key codes to type
      • type

        void type​(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode keyCode,
                  int times)
        Types a given key multiple times.
        keyCode - the key code to type times times
        times - number of times to type the keyCode