Module org.testfx

Interface WindowFinder

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface WindowFinder
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      List<javafx.stage.Window> listTargetWindows()
      Returns a list of windows that are ordered by proximity to the last target window.
      List<javafx.stage.Window> listWindows()
      javafx.stage.Window targetWindow()
      Returns the last stored target window.
      void targetWindow​(int windowIndex)
      Stores the window returned from window(int) as the new last target window.
      void targetWindow​(String stageTitleRegex)
      Stores the stage whose title matches the given regex as the new last target window.
      void targetWindow​(Predicate<javafx.stage.Window> predicate)
      Stores the first window that is closes by proximity to the last stored target window and passes the given predicate as the new last target window or throws a NoSuchElementException if none exist.
      void targetWindow​(Pattern stageTitlePattern)
      Stores the stage whose title matches the given regex as the new last target window.
      void targetWindow​(javafx.scene.Node node)
      Stores the given node's scene's window as the new last target window.
      void targetWindow​(javafx.scene.Scene scene)
      Stores the given scene's window as the new last target window.
      void targetWindow​(javafx.stage.Window window)
      Stores the given window as the target window.
      javafx.stage.Window window​(int windowIndex)
      Returns the window at the given index from the list of windows that are ordered by proximity to the last stored target window.
      javafx.stage.Window window​(String stageTitleRegex)
      Returns the stage whose title matches the given regex.
      javafx.stage.Window window​(Predicate<javafx.stage.Window> predicate)
      Calls listTargetWindows() and returns the first window that passes the predicate or throws a NoSuchElementException if none exist.
      javafx.stage.Window window​(Pattern stageTitlePattern)
      Returns the stage whose title matches the given regex.
      javafx.stage.Window window​(javafx.scene.Node node)
      Returns the node's scene's window.
      javafx.stage.Window window​(javafx.scene.Scene scene)
      Returns the scene's window.
    • Method Detail

      • targetWindow

        javafx.stage.Window targetWindow()
        Returns the last stored target window.
      • targetWindow

        void targetWindow​(javafx.stage.Window window)
        Stores the given window as the target window.
      • targetWindow

        void targetWindow​(Predicate<javafx.stage.Window> predicate)
        Stores the first window that is closes by proximity to the last stored target window and passes the given predicate as the new last target window or throws a NoSuchElementException if none exist.
      • targetWindow

        void targetWindow​(int windowIndex)
        Stores the window returned from window(int) as the new last target window.
      • targetWindow

        void targetWindow​(String stageTitleRegex)
        Stores the stage whose title matches the given regex as the new last target window.
      • targetWindow

        void targetWindow​(Pattern stageTitlePattern)
        Stores the stage whose title matches the given regex as the new last target window.
      • targetWindow

        void targetWindow​(javafx.scene.Scene scene)
        Stores the given scene's window as the new last target window.
      • targetWindow

        void targetWindow​(javafx.scene.Node node)
        Stores the given node's scene's window as the new last target window.
      • listTargetWindows

        List<javafx.stage.Window> listTargetWindows()
        Returns a list of windows that are ordered by proximity to the last target window.
      • window

        javafx.stage.Window window​(int windowIndex)
        Returns the window at the given index from the list of windows that are ordered by proximity to the last stored target window.
      • window

        javafx.stage.Window window​(String stageTitleRegex)
        Returns the stage whose title matches the given regex.
      • window

        javafx.stage.Window window​(Pattern stageTitlePattern)
        Returns the stage whose title matches the given regex.
      • window

        javafx.stage.Window window​(javafx.scene.Scene scene)
        Returns the scene's window.
      • window

        javafx.stage.Window window​(javafx.scene.Node node)
        Returns the node's scene's window.