Module org.testfx

Class PixelMatcherResult

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      PixelMatcherResult​(javafx.scene.image.Image matchImage, long matchPixels, long totalPixels)  
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      double getMatchFactor()
      Gets the percentage of pixels that matched between the two original images.
      javafx.scene.image.Image getMatchImage()
      Gets the image whose pixels indicate matches and mismatches between the two original images.
      long getMatchPixels()
      Gets the total number of pixels that matched between the two original images.
      double getNonMatchFactor()
      Gets the percentage of pixels that did not match between the two original images.
      long getNonMatchPixels()
      Gets the total number of pixels that did not match between the two original images.
      long getTotalPixels()
      Gets the total number of pixels in the match image.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PixelMatcherResult

        public PixelMatcherResult​(javafx.scene.image.Image matchImage,
                                  long matchPixels,
                                  long totalPixels)
    • Method Detail

      • getMatchImage

        public javafx.scene.image.Image getMatchImage()
        Gets the image whose pixels indicate matches and mismatches between the two original images.
      • getTotalPixels

        public long getTotalPixels()
        Gets the total number of pixels in the match image.
      • getMatchPixels

        public long getMatchPixels()
        Gets the total number of pixels that matched between the two original images.
      • getNonMatchPixels

        public long getNonMatchPixels()
        Gets the total number of pixels that did not match between the two original images.
      • getMatchFactor

        public double getMatchFactor()
        Gets the percentage of pixels that matched between the two original images.
      • getNonMatchFactor

        public double getNonMatchFactor()
        Gets the percentage of pixels that did not match between the two original images.