Module org.testfx

Interface NodeFinder

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface NodeFinder
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      NodeQuery from​(Collection<javafx.scene.Node> parentNodes)
      Returns a NodeQuery that stores the given parentNodes collection.
      NodeQuery from​(javafx.scene.Node... parentNodes)
      Returns a NodeQuery that stores the given parentNodes
      NodeQuery from​(NodeQuery nodeQuery)
      Returns a new NodeQuery that stores all the parentNodes from the given nodeQuery (essentially, it creates a copy/clone).
      NodeQuery fromAll()
      Returns a NodeQuery that stores all the root nodes of all windows via WindowFinder.listTargetWindows()
      NodeQuery lookup​(String query)
      Returns a NodeQuery that stores all the root nodes that meet the given query
      <T extends javafx.scene.Node>
      lookup​(Predicate<T> predicate)
      Returns a NodeQuery that stores all the root nodes that pass the given predicate
      <T> NodeQuery lookup​(org.hamcrest.Matcher<T> matcher)
      Returns a NodeQuery that stores all the root nodes that match the given matcher.
      javafx.scene.Node rootNode​(javafx.scene.Node node)
      Returns the node's scene's root node
      javafx.scene.Node rootNode​(javafx.scene.Scene scene)
      Returns the scene's root node
      javafx.scene.Node rootNode​(javafx.stage.Window window)
      Returns the window's scene's root node.
    • Method Detail

      • from

        NodeQuery from​(javafx.scene.Node... parentNodes)
        Returns a NodeQuery that stores the given parentNodes
      • from

        NodeQuery from​(NodeQuery nodeQuery)
        Returns a new NodeQuery that stores all the parentNodes from the given nodeQuery (essentially, it creates a copy/clone).
      • rootNode

        javafx.scene.Node rootNode​(javafx.stage.Window window)
        Returns the window's scene's root node.
      • rootNode

        javafx.scene.Node rootNode​(javafx.scene.Scene scene)
        Returns the scene's root node
      • rootNode

        javafx.scene.Node rootNode​(javafx.scene.Node node)
        Returns the node's scene's root node