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baseMatcher(String, Predicate<T>) - Static method in class org.testfx.matcher.base.GeneralMatchers
Creates a matcher that matches when the given predicate returns true.
BaseRobot - Interface in org.testfx.robot
BaseRobotImpl - Class in org.testfx.robot.impl
BaseRobotImpl() - Constructor for class org.testfx.robot.impl.BaseRobotImpl
beginStoringFiredEventsOf(Stage) - Static method in class org.testfx.service.support.FiredEvents
bounds(double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.testfx.api.FxRobot
bounds(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface org.testfx.api.FxRobotInterface
bounds(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.testfx.util.BoundsQueryUtils
Creates a new Bounds object with the given parameters.
bounds(String) - Method in class org.testfx.api.FxRobot
bounds(String) - Method in interface org.testfx.api.FxRobotInterface
bounds(Predicate<T>) - Method in class org.testfx.api.FxRobot
bounds(Predicate<T>) - Method in interface org.testfx.api.FxRobotInterface
bounds(Bounds) - Method in class org.testfx.api.FxRobot
bounds(Bounds) - Method in interface org.testfx.api.FxRobotInterface
Creates a BoundsQuery that returns the given bounds
bounds(Dimension2D) - Static method in class org.testfx.util.BoundsQueryUtils
Creates a new Bounds object whose top-left corner is 0 and whose width and height are dimension.getWidth() and dimension.getHeight(), respectively.
bounds(Point2D) - Method in class org.testfx.api.FxRobot
bounds(Point2D) - Method in interface org.testfx.api.FxRobotInterface
bounds(Point2D) - Static method in class org.testfx.util.BoundsQueryUtils
Creates a new Bounds object whose top-left corner is the given point and whose width and height are 0.
bounds(Rectangle2D) - Static method in class org.testfx.util.BoundsQueryUtils
Converts the given region to a Bounds object.
bounds(Node) - Method in class org.testfx.api.FxRobot
bounds(Node) - Method in interface org.testfx.api.FxRobotInterface
bounds(Scene) - Method in class org.testfx.api.FxRobot
bounds(Scene) - Method in interface org.testfx.api.FxRobotInterface
Calls BoundsQueryUtils.boundsOnScreen(Bounds, Scene) with given scene's bounds
bounds(Scene) - Static method in class org.testfx.util.BoundsQueryUtils
Bounds of Scene in Window.
bounds(Window) - Method in class org.testfx.api.FxRobot
bounds(Window) - Method in interface org.testfx.api.FxRobotInterface
Calls BoundsQueryUtils.boundsOnScreen(Bounds, Window) with the given window's bounds
bounds(Window) - Static method in class org.testfx.util.BoundsQueryUtils
Bounds of Window on Screen.
bounds(Matcher<T>) - Method in class org.testfx.api.FxRobot
bounds(Matcher<T>) - Method in interface org.testfx.api.FxRobotInterface
boundsInSceneFor(Node) - Method in interface org.testfx.service.locator.BoundsLocator
boundsInSceneFor(Node) - Method in class org.testfx.service.locator.impl.BoundsLocatorImpl
boundsInWindowFor(Bounds, Scene) - Method in interface org.testfx.service.locator.BoundsLocator
boundsInWindowFor(Bounds, Scene) - Method in class org.testfx.service.locator.impl.BoundsLocatorImpl
boundsInWindowFor(Scene) - Method in interface org.testfx.service.locator.BoundsLocator
boundsInWindowFor(Scene) - Method in class org.testfx.service.locator.impl.BoundsLocatorImpl
BoundsLocator - Interface in org.testfx.service.locator
BoundsLocatorException - Exception in org.testfx.service.locator
BoundsLocatorException(String) - Constructor for exception org.testfx.service.locator.BoundsLocatorException
BoundsLocatorImpl - Class in org.testfx.service.locator.impl
BoundsLocatorImpl() - Constructor for class org.testfx.service.locator.impl.BoundsLocatorImpl
boundsOnScreen(Bounds, Rectangle2D) - Static method in class org.testfx.util.BoundsQueryUtils
Translates the given bounds in the screen to a relative coordinate system where the given screenRegion's top-left corner represents coordinate (0, 0).
boundsOnScreen(Bounds, Scene) - Static method in class org.testfx.util.BoundsQueryUtils
Transforms the given bounds in the given scene to the screen's coordinate system.
boundsOnScreen(Bounds, Window) - Static method in class org.testfx.util.BoundsQueryUtils
Translates the given bounds in the given window to the screen's coordinate system
boundsOnScreen(Node) - Static method in class org.testfx.util.BoundsQueryUtils
Retrieves the physical untransformed bounds (geom + effect + clip) of a Node before transforming that to the screen's coordinate system.
boundsOnScreenFor(Bounds, Scene) - Method in interface org.testfx.service.locator.BoundsLocator
boundsOnScreenFor(Bounds, Scene) - Method in class org.testfx.service.locator.impl.BoundsLocatorImpl
boundsOnScreenFor(Node) - Method in interface org.testfx.service.locator.BoundsLocator
boundsOnScreenFor(Node) - Method in class org.testfx.service.locator.impl.BoundsLocatorImpl
boundsOnScreenFor(Scene) - Method in interface org.testfx.service.locator.BoundsLocator
boundsOnScreenFor(Scene) - Method in class org.testfx.service.locator.impl.BoundsLocatorImpl
boundsOnScreenFor(Window) - Method in interface org.testfx.service.locator.BoundsLocator
boundsOnScreenFor(Window) - Method in class org.testfx.service.locator.impl.BoundsLocatorImpl
BoundsPointQuery - Class in org.testfx.service.query.impl
This point query implements a PointQuery within the bounds of an object.
BoundsPointQuery(Bounds) - Constructor for class org.testfx.service.query.impl.BoundsPointQuery
BoundsQuery - Interface in org.testfx.service.query
Essentially, a Supplier that returns a Bounds object via BoundsQuery.query().
BoundsQueryUtils - Class in org.testfx.util
ButtonAssert - Class in org.testfx.assertions.api
Assertion methods for Buttons.
ButtonAssert(Button) - Constructor for class org.testfx.assertions.api.ButtonAssert
ButtonMatchers - Class in org.testfx.matcher.control
TestFX matchers for Button controls.
byMatcher(Matcher<Node>) - Static method in class org.testfx.util.NodeQueryUtils
Returns a function that returns a Set of all Nodes that match the given matcher.
byPredicate(Predicate<Node>) - Static method in class org.testfx.util.NodeQueryUtils
Returns a function that returns a Set of all Nodes that pass the given predicate.
bySelector(String) - Static method in class org.testfx.util.NodeQueryUtils
Returns a function that calls Node.lookup(String) on each given node.
byText(String) - Static method in class org.testfx.util.NodeQueryUtils
Returns a function that returns a Set of all Labels, TextInputControls, or any of their subclasses that have the given text.
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