Module org.testfx

Interface FxRobotInterface

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface FxRobotInterface
    Wrapper-like interface that makes it easier to chain together multiple robot methods while adding a number of convenience methods, such as finding a given node, scene or window via a PointQuery, a Predicate, or a Matcher.
    • Method Detail

      • window

        javafx.stage.Window window​(int windowIndex)
        Convenience method: Calls WindowFinder.window(int) and returns itself for method chaining.
      • window

        javafx.stage.Window window​(javafx.scene.Scene scene)
        Convenience method: Calls WindowFinder.window(Scene) and returns itself for method chaining.
      • window

        javafx.stage.Window window​(javafx.scene.Node node)
        Convenience method: Calls WindowFinder.window(Node) and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rootNode

        javafx.scene.Node rootNode​(javafx.stage.Window window)
        Calls NodeFinder.rootNode(Window) and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rootNode

        javafx.scene.Node rootNode​(javafx.scene.Scene scene)
        Calls NodeFinder.rootNode(Scene) and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rootNode

        javafx.scene.Node rootNode​(javafx.scene.Node node)
        Calls NodeFinder.rootNode(Node) and returns itself for method chaining.
      • lookup

        <T extends javafx.scene.Node> NodeQuery lookup​(org.hamcrest.Matcher<T> matcher)
        Convenience method: Calls NodeFinder.lookup(Matcher) and returns itself for method chaining.
      • bounds

        BoundsQuery bounds​(javafx.geometry.Bounds bounds)
        Creates a BoundsQuery that returns the given bounds
      • bounds

        <T extends javafx.scene.Node> BoundsQuery bounds​(org.hamcrest.Matcher<T> matcher)
      • bounds

        <T extends javafx.scene.Node> BoundsQuery bounds​(Predicate<T> predicate)
      • targetPos

        FxRobotInterface targetPos​(javafx.geometry.Pos pointPosition)
        Stores the given position as the position to be used in all point()-related methods such as point(Node) and point(Point2D), and returns itself for method chaining. The default value is Pos.CENTER
      • offset

        PointQuery offset​(javafx.geometry.Point2D point,
                          double offsetX,
                          double offsetY)
        Convenience method: Calls point(Point2D) and sets the query's offset by the given offset values.
      • offset

        default PointQuery offset​(javafx.geometry.Point2D point,
                                  javafx.geometry.Point2D offset)
        Convenience method: Calls point(Point2D) and sets the query's offset by the given offset point (where the point's x-component is the offsetX, and the point's y-component is the offsetY).
      • offset

        PointQuery offset​(javafx.geometry.Bounds bounds,
                          double offsetX,
                          double offsetY)
        Convenience method: Calls point(Bounds) and sets the query's offset by the given offset values.
      • offset

        default PointQuery offset​(javafx.geometry.Bounds bounds,
                                  javafx.geometry.Point2D offset)
        Convenience method: Calls point(Bounds) and sets the query's offset by the given offset point (where the point's x-component is the offsetX, and the point's y-component is the offsetY).
      • offset

        PointQuery offset​(javafx.scene.Node node,
                          double offsetX,
                          double offsetY)
        Convenience method: Calls point(Node) and sets the query's offset by the given offset values.
      • offset

        default PointQuery offset​(javafx.scene.Node node,
                                  javafx.geometry.Point2D offset)
        Convenience method: Calls point(Node) and sets the query's offset by the given offset point (where the point's x-component is the offsetX, and the point's y-component is the offsetY).
      • offset

        PointQuery offset​(javafx.scene.Node node,
                          javafx.geometry.Pos offsetReferencePos,
                          double offsetX,
                          double offsetY)
        Convenience method: Calls point(Node) and sets the query's offset by the given offset values where the offset is computed with respect to the given offset reference position.
      • offset

        default PointQuery offset​(javafx.scene.Node node,
                                  javafx.geometry.Pos offsetReferencePos,
                                  javafx.geometry.Point2D offset)
        Convenience method: Calls point(Node) and sets the query's offset by the given offset point (where the point's x-component is the offsetX, and the point's y-component is the offsetY) where the offset is computed with respect to the given offset reference position.
      • offset

        PointQuery offset​(javafx.scene.Scene scene,
                          double offsetX,
                          double offsetY)
        Convenience method: Calls point(Scene) and sets the query's offset by the given offset values.
      • offset

        default PointQuery offset​(javafx.scene.Scene scene,
                                  javafx.geometry.Point2D offset)
        Convenience method: Calls point(Scene) and sets the query's offset by the given offset offset point (where the point's x-component is the offsetX, and the point's y-component is the offsetY).
      • offset

        PointQuery offset​(javafx.stage.Window window,
                          double offsetX,
                          double offsetY)
        Convenience method: Calls point(Window) and sets the query's offset by the given offset values.
      • offset

        default PointQuery offset​(javafx.stage.Window window,
                                  javafx.geometry.Point2D offset)
        Convenience method: Calls point(Window) and sets the query's offset by the given offset point (where the point's x-component is the offsetX, and the point's y-component is the offsetY).
      • offset

        PointQuery offset​(String query,
                          double offsetX,
                          double offsetY)
        Convenience method: Calls point(String) and sets the query's offset by the given offset values.
      • offset

        default PointQuery offset​(String query,
                                  javafx.geometry.Point2D offset)
        Convenience method: Calls point(String) and sets the query's offset by the given offset point (where the point's x-component is the offsetX, and the point's y-component is the offsetY).
      • offset

        <T extends javafx.scene.Node> PointQuery offset​(org.hamcrest.Matcher<T> matcher,
                                                        double offsetX,
                                                        double offsetY)
        Convenience method: Calls point(Matcher) and sets the query's offset by the given offset values.
      • offset

        default <T extends javafx.scene.Node> PointQuery offset​(org.hamcrest.Matcher<T> matcher,
                                                                javafx.geometry.Point2D offset)
        Convenience method: Calls point(Matcher) and sets the query's offset by the given offset point (where the point's x-component is the offsetX, and the point's y-component is the offsetY).
      • offset

        <T extends javafx.scene.Node> PointQuery offset​(Predicate<T> predicate,
                                                        double offsetX,
                                                        double offsetY)
        Convenience method: Calls point(Predicate) and sets the query's offset by the given offset values.
      • offset

        default <T extends javafx.scene.Node> PointQuery offset​(Predicate<T> predicate,
                                                                javafx.geometry.Point2D offset)
        Convenience method: Calls point(Predicate) and sets the query's offset by the given offset point (where the point's x-component is the offsetX, and the point's y-component is the offsetY).
      • capture

        Capture capture​(javafx.geometry.Rectangle2D screenRegion)
        Returns a Capture that supplies a screenshot using the given rectangle's bounds.
      • capture

        Capture capture​(javafx.geometry.Bounds bounds)
        Returns a Capture that supplies a screenshot using the given bounds.
      • capture

        Capture capture​(javafx.scene.Node node)
        Returns a Capture that supplies a screenshot using the given node's bounds.
      • capture

        Capture capture​(javafx.scene.image.Image image)
        Convenience method: Returns a Capture that supplies the given Image.
      • capture

        Capture capture​(Path path)
        Convenience method: Returns a Capture that supplies the Image from the image file of the given Path.
      • capture

        Capture capture​(URL url)
        Convenience method: Returns a Capture that supplies the Image from the image file of the given URL.
      • interact

        FxRobotInterface interact​(Runnable runnable)
        Calls a runnable on the FX application thread and waits for it and consecutive events to execute. So changes to the gui triggered by the runnable will be performed when returned from this method.
        runnable - the runnable
        this robot
      • interact

        <T> FxRobotInterface interact​(Callable<T> callable)
        Calls a callable on the FX application thread and waits for it and consecutive events to execute. So changes to the gui triggered by the callable will be performed when returned from this method.
        callable - the callable
        this robot
      • interactNoWait

        FxRobotInterface interactNoWait​(Runnable runnable)
        Calls a runnable on the FX application thread and waits for it to execute. It does not wait for other events on the fx application thread. So changes to the gui triggered by the runnable may not be performed when returned from this method.
        runnable - the runnable
        this robot
      • interactNoWait

        <T> FxRobotInterface interactNoWait​(Callable<T> callable)
        Calls a callable on the FX application thread and waits for it to execute. It does not wait for other events on the fx application thread. So changes to the gui triggered by the callable may not be performed when returned from this method.
        callable - the callable
        this robot
      • clickOn

        default FxRobotInterface clickOn​(double x,
                                         double y,
                                         javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the given coordinates, clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • clickOn

        FxRobotInterface clickOn​(double x,
                                 double y,
                                 Motion motion,
                                 javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the given coordinates, clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • clickOn

        default FxRobotInterface clickOn​(javafx.geometry.Point2D point,
                                         javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the given point, clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • clickOn

        FxRobotInterface clickOn​(javafx.geometry.Point2D point,
                                 Motion motion,
                                 javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the given point, clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • clickOn

        default FxRobotInterface clickOn​(javafx.geometry.Bounds bounds,
                                         javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Bounds), clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • clickOn

        FxRobotInterface clickOn​(javafx.geometry.Bounds bounds,
                                 Motion motion,
                                 javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Bounds), clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • clickOn

        default FxRobotInterface clickOn​(javafx.scene.Node node,
                                         javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Node), clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • clickOn

        FxRobotInterface clickOn​(javafx.scene.Node node,
                                 Motion motion,
                                 javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Node), clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • clickOn

        default FxRobotInterface clickOn​(javafx.scene.Scene scene,
                                         javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Scene), clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • clickOn

        FxRobotInterface clickOn​(javafx.scene.Scene scene,
                                 Motion motion,
                                 javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Scene), clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • clickOn

        default FxRobotInterface clickOn​(javafx.stage.Window window,
                                         javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Window), clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • clickOn

        FxRobotInterface clickOn​(javafx.stage.Window window,
                                 Motion motion,
                                 javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Window), clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • clickOn

        default FxRobotInterface clickOn​(String query,
                                         javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(String), clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • clickOn

        FxRobotInterface clickOn​(String query,
                                 Motion motion,
                                 javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(String), clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • clickOn

        default <T extends javafx.scene.Node> FxRobotInterface clickOn​(org.hamcrest.Matcher<T> matcher,
                                                                       javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Matcher), clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • clickOn

        <T extends javafx.scene.Node> FxRobotInterface clickOn​(org.hamcrest.Matcher<T> matcher,
                                                               Motion motion,
                                                               javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Matcher), clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • clickOn

        default <T extends javafx.scene.Node> FxRobotInterface clickOn​(Predicate<T> predicate,
                                                                       javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Predicate), clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • clickOn

        <T extends javafx.scene.Node> FxRobotInterface clickOn​(Predicate<T> predicate,
                                                               Motion motion,
                                                               javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Predicate), clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        FxRobotInterface rightClickOn()
        Convenience method: Clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        default FxRobotInterface rightClickOn​(PointQuery pointQuery)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from PointQuery.query(), clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        FxRobotInterface rightClickOn​(PointQuery pointQuery,
                                      Motion motion)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from PointQuery.query(), clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        default FxRobotInterface rightClickOn​(double x,
                                              double y)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the given coordinates, clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        FxRobotInterface rightClickOn​(double x,
                                      double y,
                                      Motion motion)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the given coordinates, clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        default FxRobotInterface rightClickOn​(javafx.geometry.Point2D point)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from point(Point2D), clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        FxRobotInterface rightClickOn​(javafx.geometry.Point2D point,
                                      Motion motion)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Point2D), clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        default FxRobotInterface rightClickOn​(javafx.geometry.Bounds bounds)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Bounds), clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        FxRobotInterface rightClickOn​(javafx.geometry.Bounds bounds,
                                      Motion motion)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Bounds), clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        default FxRobotInterface rightClickOn​(javafx.scene.Node node)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Node), clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        FxRobotInterface rightClickOn​(javafx.scene.Node node,
                                      Motion motion)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Node), clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        default FxRobotInterface rightClickOn​(javafx.scene.Scene scene)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Scene), clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        FxRobotInterface rightClickOn​(javafx.scene.Scene scene,
                                      Motion motion)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Scene), clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        default FxRobotInterface rightClickOn​(javafx.stage.Window window)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Window), clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        FxRobotInterface rightClickOn​(javafx.stage.Window window,
                                      Motion motion)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Window), clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        default FxRobotInterface rightClickOn​(String query)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(String), clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        FxRobotInterface rightClickOn​(String query,
                                      Motion motion)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(String), clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        default <T extends javafx.scene.Node> FxRobotInterface rightClickOn​(org.hamcrest.Matcher<T> matcher)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Matcher), clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        <T extends javafx.scene.Node> FxRobotInterface rightClickOn​(org.hamcrest.Matcher<T> matcher,
                                                                    Motion motion)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Matcher), clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        default <T extends javafx.scene.Node> FxRobotInterface rightClickOn​(Predicate<T> predicate)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Predicate), clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • rightClickOn

        <T extends javafx.scene.Node> FxRobotInterface rightClickOn​(Predicate<T> predicate,
                                                                    Motion motion)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Predicate), clicks the MouseButton.SECONDARY button, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • doubleClickOn

        default FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn​(double x,
                                               double y,
                                               javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(double, double), double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • doubleClickOn

        FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn​(double x,
                                       double y,
                                       Motion motion,
                                       javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(double, double), double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • doubleClickOn

        default FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn​(javafx.geometry.Point2D point,
                                               javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Point2D), double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • doubleClickOn

        FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn​(javafx.geometry.Point2D point,
                                       Motion motion,
                                       javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Point2D), double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • doubleClickOn

        default FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn​(javafx.geometry.Bounds bounds,
                                               javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Bounds), double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • doubleClickOn

        FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn​(javafx.geometry.Bounds bounds,
                                       Motion motion,
                                       javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Bounds), double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • doubleClickOn

        default FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn​(javafx.scene.Node node,
                                               javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Node), double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • doubleClickOn

        FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn​(javafx.scene.Node node,
                                       Motion motion,
                                       javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Node), double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • doubleClickOn

        default FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn​(javafx.scene.Scene scene,
                                               javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Scene), double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • doubleClickOn

        FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn​(javafx.scene.Scene scene,
                                       Motion motion,
                                       javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Scene), double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • doubleClickOn

        default FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn​(javafx.stage.Window window,
                                               javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Window), double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • doubleClickOn

        FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn​(javafx.stage.Window window,
                                       Motion motion,
                                       javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Window), double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • doubleClickOn

        default FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn​(String query,
                                               javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(String), double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • doubleClickOn

        FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn​(String query,
                                       Motion motion,
                                       javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(String), double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • doubleClickOn

        default <T extends javafx.scene.Node> FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn​(org.hamcrest.Matcher<T> matcher,
                                                                             javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Matcher), double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • doubleClickOn

        <T extends javafx.scene.Node> FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn​(org.hamcrest.Matcher<T> matcher,
                                                                     Motion motion,
                                                                     javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Matcher), double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • doubleClickOn

        default <T extends javafx.scene.Node> FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn​(Predicate<T> predicate,
                                                                             javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Predicate), double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • doubleClickOn

        <T extends javafx.scene.Node> FxRobotInterface doubleClickOn​(Predicate<T> predicate,
                                                                     Motion motion,
                                                                     javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Predicate), double clicks the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • drag

        FxRobotInterface drag​(double x,
                              double y,
                              javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from point(double, double), presses the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • drag

        FxRobotInterface drag​(javafx.geometry.Point2D point,
                              javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from point(Point2D), presses the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • drag

        FxRobotInterface drag​(javafx.geometry.Bounds bounds,
                              javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from point(Bounds), presses the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • drag

        FxRobotInterface drag​(javafx.scene.Node node,
                              javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from point(Node), presses the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • drag

        FxRobotInterface drag​(javafx.scene.Scene scene,
                              javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from point(Scene), presses the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • drag

        FxRobotInterface drag​(javafx.stage.Window window,
                              javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from point(Window), presses the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • drag

        FxRobotInterface drag​(String query,
                              javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from point(String), presses the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • drag

        <T extends javafx.scene.Node> FxRobotInterface drag​(org.hamcrest.Matcher<T> matcher,
                                                            javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from point(Matcher), presses the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • drag

        <T extends javafx.scene.Node> FxRobotInterface drag​(Predicate<T> predicate,
                                                            javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse to the point returned from point(Predicate), presses the given buttons, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • press

        FxRobotInterface press​(javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Presses and holds mouse buttons.
        buttons - mouse buttons to press, defaults to primary mouse button.
      • release

        FxRobotInterface release​(javafx.scene.input.MouseButton... buttons)
        Releases pressed mouse buttons.
        buttons - mouse buttons to release, defaults to all pressed mouse buttons.
      • moveTo

        default FxRobotInterface moveTo​(double x,
                                        double y)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(double, double) and returns itself for method chaining.
      • moveTo

        default FxRobotInterface moveTo​(javafx.geometry.Point2D point)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Point2D) and returns itself for method chaining.
      • moveTo

        FxRobotInterface moveTo​(javafx.geometry.Point2D point,
                                Motion motion)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Point2D) and returns itself for method chaining.
      • moveTo

        default FxRobotInterface moveTo​(javafx.geometry.Bounds bounds)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the center of the given Bounds and returns itself for method chaining.
      • moveTo

        FxRobotInterface moveTo​(javafx.geometry.Bounds bounds,
                                Motion motion)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Bounds) and returns itself for method chaining.
      • moveTo

        default FxRobotInterface moveTo​(javafx.scene.Node node)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the center of the given Node and returns itself for method chaining.
      • moveTo

        default FxRobotInterface moveTo​(javafx.scene.Node node,
                                        Motion motion)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the center of the given Node and returns itself for method chaining.
      • moveTo

        default FxRobotInterface moveTo​(javafx.scene.Node node,
                                        javafx.geometry.Point2D offset)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Node), with the given offset from the center of the given Node, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • moveTo

        FxRobotInterface moveTo​(javafx.scene.Node node,
                                javafx.geometry.Pos offsetReferencePos,
                                javafx.geometry.Point2D offset,
                                Motion motion)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Node), with the given offset (from the offsetReferencePos, and returns itself for method chaining.
      • moveTo

        default FxRobotInterface moveTo​(javafx.scene.Scene scene)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the center of the given Scene and returns itself for method chaining.
      • moveTo

        FxRobotInterface moveTo​(javafx.scene.Scene scene,
                                Motion motion)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Scene) and returns itself for method chaining.
      • moveTo

        default FxRobotInterface moveTo​(javafx.stage.Window window)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the center of the given Window and returns itself for method chaining.
      • moveTo

        FxRobotInterface moveTo​(javafx.stage.Window window,
                                Motion motion)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Window) and returns itself for method chaining.
      • moveTo

        default FxRobotInterface moveTo​(String query)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(String) and returns itself for method chaining.
      • moveTo

        default <T extends javafx.scene.Node> FxRobotInterface moveTo​(org.hamcrest.Matcher<T> matcher)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Matcher) and returns itself for method chaining.
      • moveTo

        <T extends javafx.scene.Node> FxRobotInterface moveTo​(org.hamcrest.Matcher<T> matcher,
                                                              Motion motion)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse using the given motion (see: Motion to the point returned from point(Matcher) and returns itself for method chaining.
      • moveTo

        default <T extends javafx.scene.Node> FxRobotInterface moveTo​(Predicate<T> predicate)
        Convenience method: Moves mouse directly to the point returned from point(Predicate) and returns itself for method chaining.