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FiredEvents - Class in org.testfx.service.support
Stores a list of events that have been fired since the start of a test; useful for debugging.
from(Collection<Node>) - Method in class org.testfx.api.FxRobot
from(Collection<Node>) - Method in interface org.testfx.api.FxRobotInterface
Calls NodeFinder.from(Collection) and returns itself for method chaining.
from(Collection<Node>) - Method in class org.testfx.service.finder.impl.NodeFinderImpl
from(Collection<Node>) - Method in interface org.testfx.service.finder.NodeFinder
Returns a NodeQuery that stores the given parentNodes collection.
from(Collection<Node>) - Method in class org.testfx.service.query.impl.NodeQueryImpl
from(Collection<Node>) - Method in interface org.testfx.service.query.NodeQuery
Stores all given parentNodes within this NodeQuery.
from(Node...) - Method in class org.testfx.api.FxRobot
from(Node...) - Method in interface org.testfx.api.FxRobotInterface
Calls NodeFinder.from(Node...) and returns itself for method chaining.
from(Node...) - Method in class org.testfx.service.finder.impl.NodeFinderImpl
from(Node...) - Method in interface org.testfx.service.finder.NodeFinder
Returns a NodeQuery that stores the given parentNodes
from(Node...) - Method in class org.testfx.service.query.impl.NodeQueryImpl
from(Node...) - Method in interface org.testfx.service.query.NodeQuery
Stores all given parentNodes within this NodeQuery.
from(NodeQuery) - Method in class org.testfx.api.FxRobot
from(NodeQuery) - Method in interface org.testfx.api.FxRobotInterface
Convenience method: Calls NodeFinder.from(NodeQuery) and returns itself for method chaining.
from(NodeQuery) - Method in class org.testfx.service.finder.impl.NodeFinderImpl
from(NodeQuery) - Method in interface org.testfx.service.finder.NodeFinder
Returns a new NodeQuery that stores all the parentNodes from the given nodeQuery (essentially, it creates a copy/clone).
fromAll() - Method in class org.testfx.api.FxRobot
fromAll() - Method in interface org.testfx.api.FxRobotInterface
Calls NodeFinder.fromAll() and returns itself for method chaining.
fromAll() - Method in class org.testfx.service.finder.impl.NodeFinderImpl
fromAll() - Method in interface org.testfx.service.finder.NodeFinder
Returns a NodeQuery that stores all the root nodes of all windows via WindowFinder.listTargetWindows()
fromInverseMatcher(Matcher<? extends T>) - Static method in class org.testfx.assertions.impl.Adapter
fromMatcher(Matcher<? extends T>) - Static method in class org.testfx.assertions.impl.Adapter
FxAssert - Class in org.testfx.api
All TestFX tests should use FxAssert.verifyThat(Node, Matcher, Function) when writing tests, so that the developer can use DebugUtils to provide additional info as to why a test failed.
FxAssert() - Constructor for class org.testfx.api.FxAssert
FxAssertContext - Class in org.testfx.api
Stores contextual information for FxAssert: a NodeFinder, which defaults to FxServiceContext.getNodeFinder() a CaptureSupport, which defaults to FxServiceContext.getCaptureSupport()
FxAssertContext() - Constructor for class org.testfx.api.FxAssertContext
FxRobot - Class in org.testfx.api
FxRobot() - Constructor for class org.testfx.api.FxRobot
Constructs all robot-related implementations and sets FxRobot.targetPos(Pos) to Pos.CENTER.
FxRobotContext - Class in org.testfx.api
Stores the robot implementations, the window and node finders, position calculators, and capture support for FxRobot.
FxRobotContext() - Constructor for class org.testfx.api.FxRobotContext
FxRobotException - Exception in org.testfx.api
FxRobotException(String) - Constructor for exception org.testfx.api.FxRobotException
FxRobotInterface - Interface in org.testfx.api
Wrapper-like interface that makes it easier to chain together multiple robot methods while adding a number of convenience methods, such as finding a given node, scene or window via a PointQuery, a Predicate, or a Matcher.
FxService - Class in org.testfx.api
Wrapper class that holds a static FxServiceContext via FxService.serviceContext() that is lazily created.
FxServiceContext - Class in org.testfx.api
Stores the following objects: a WindowFinder a NodeFinder a BaseRobot CaptureSupport
FxServiceContext() - Constructor for class org.testfx.api.FxServiceContext
FxToolkit - Class in org.testfx.api
Responsible for setup and cleanup of JavaFX fixtures that need the JavaFX thread.
FxToolkitContext - Class in org.testfx.api
Stores the contextual information for FxToolkit: the primary stage future the Application as a Class object the application's arguments the registered Stage the timeout limit for launching an application the timeout limit for setting up a component
FxToolkitContext() - Constructor for class org.testfx.api.FxToolkitContext
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